Dr Sarvajeet Pal | Rheumatologist Immunologist | Best Rheumatologist in Hyderabad
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Psoriatic Arthritis is a type of arthritis that affects the people who have a skin disease called psoriasis. Psoriasis is a condition where the itchy and scaly red patches appear on the skin and arthritis affects the joints and bones in the body. About 30% of the people who have psoriasis will be affected with Psoriatic Arthritis within 5 to 12 years of the occurrence of psoriasis.

Psoriatic Arthritis


Some of the regularly observed symptoms Psoriatic Arthritis are

  • Swollen toes and fingers
  • Foot and lower back pain
  • Fatigue, skin rashes and tendinitis
  • Pain in muscles and tendons


The treatment includes the medication to reduce the inflammation in joints and bones, joint replacement surgery and steroid injections. Medications like NSAIDs and anti-rheumatic drugs help to reduce the pain and stiffness.

Warm compress on muscles and joints, Ice packs and Ultraviolet light therapy are the most used home remedies to reduce the inflammation in the bones and joints.

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